CTLGFVER *$VER: BlueInstall.catalog 1.0 (06-Nov-98) english Project Save as ... About Generate Prefs file (c)AutoRun3 disk Template UnLhA Execute script Buttons Action Blue Install GUI Enter a title of filerequester Select file to insert (New Button) (Unnamed) Select file to save project Select file to load Ok|Cancel Select file to save PrefsFile rBlue Install Preferences 1.0 (c)Copyright (c)1998 Marek Zvolsky (c)Blue Legend This software is Shareware /Insert any disk in drive DF0: and unprotect it /Install AutoRun3 disk is successfully finished NAlert! There was fatal error during progress Install AutoRun3 disk failed! Really delete this entry? 4This project is not saved Do you want to continue? 7This project is not saved Do you really want to quit?